Rugby Football Union
A reinvigorated culture for a new era of rugby
The challenge
The Rugby Football Union (RFU) shoulders the complex task of overseeing the rules, organising national tournaments, and steering the national teams for rugby union in England. As a highly multifaceted governing body, it promotes and develops the sport at all levels, from grassroots to professional ranks.
The RFU was at a pivotal moment, confronted with very public challenges that could compromise the core essence and integrity of the game, necessitating a comprehensive cultural reassessment to preserve its storied legacy and embrace a dynamic future.
The aim was to refresh the RFU's spirit, reignite the passion within its people, and to unite everyone under a clear direction of the organisation's values and how they’re put into practice.
The solution
We initiated a thorough culture study within the RFU, engaging in deep conversations with leaders, wide-ranging ‘Hacks’ with staff, and interactive events that drew everyone's participation. This process allowed us to identify which parts of RFU culture were essential to keep and which needed to change for future success.
This led to the creation of a new Target Culture, named 'This Rose Means Everyone’, which refocused the RFU's behaviours and practices around a cultural north star.
We kicked off the start of this new era with a launch event that inspired everyone's commitment to the changes.
To keep the momentum going, we mapped out a year-long plan of activities designed to embed the new culture. This included a series of workshops aimed at making ‘This Rose Means Everyone’ a reality and building the culture at all levels of the RFU.
We developed resources that not only explained 'This Rose Means Everyone' but also provided a clear behavioural framework to guide everyday interactions and decision-making within the RFU.
The impact
The launch of 'This Rose Means Everyone’ met with outstanding success; 91% of the organisation were eager to contribute to the new cultural direction. Workshops led by leaders and rising talent took the fresh ethos across the Union, motivating staff to drive the shift in behaviour.
The impact was significant, creating a new sense of shared purpose and responsibility for every team member. Our culture playbook became an essential tool for team leaders, helping to grow both long-standing team members and new joiners alike, ensuring everyone had a role to play in the RFU's promising new era.